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Election 2024 was a Wild Ride for LWVNPC

Early last year, League members, including myself, were viewing the coming year with trepidation. Election 2024 was coming up quickly, and we had a massive amount of work to do. We had just elected a new President, Tanya Landry, and her energy, passion and determination assured me that this was a ride I didn’t want to miss. And what a ride it was. Between January 2024 and October 31st, 2024, LWVNPC
• Participated in 55 events where we educated and registered voters at schools, colleges, senior centers, community fairs, laundromats, stores, tent cities and many more venues
• Logged 500 volunteer hours with over 35 active volunteers.
• Handed out 1000 handouts describing amendments, 800 Vote 411 cards and QR codes,
• Sent out 1751 postcards to Returning Citizens with information on how to regain their voting rights
• Purchased an electronic billboard displaying voting information which lit US Hwy 19 for over a month
• Moderated 7 Candidate Forums, including the School Board and local municipalities
• Hosted a focus group for young voters
• Maintained a steady social media presence posting essential voting information

On and after November 5, League members served as poll workers and worked on the Canvassing Board until the election was certified.
There were triumphs and disappointments. Amendment 4, which gave women reproductive rights received 57% of the vote, not enough to meet the necessary 60% to pass. No doubt more voters would have supported it without a disinformation campaign in the last months. A triumph was that Amendment 1, which would have made school board candidates declare a political party, did NOT pass, the Pinellas County School referendum DID pass, and all school board candidates who were elected were referendum supporters.
Many thanks to our President Tanya Landry and committee chairs: Linda Metzkow (Voter Service) who suffered a broken foot in the line of League duty, Carol Bailey, Mary Giordano, Nancy Sidrow and Debbie Entreken who coordinated events and materials, Vivian Posey and Jeanne Reynolds (Education Co-Chairs) and of course, all the League members who volunteered.
We now look ahead to 2025 with renewed energy and purpose. There are issues that concern us, elections, and more work to be done. Join us as the ride continues.