Niki Amarantides is a LWVNPC member who spends her summers in Washington State. It was important to her to vote in the primary on August 20, 2024, so she made a point of contacting the Pinellas County SOE for a mail ballot. Here are her words on the results:

“This was my first FL election as a snowbird. Because ballots are not forwardable, I needed to call SOE to inquire about how I could get my ballot mailed to my Seattle summer address. That resulted in my being mailed a paper form (which is also available online) and being informed on how to fill in the vote-by-mail form so that I would receive it in Seattle. I was grateful for the yellow highlights showing me what I needed to fill out. After sending my form in, I checked the online status of my ballot request—and sure enough, it showed that my ballot was mailed to my Seattle address. Today I am mailing my primary election ballot in. Thank you, Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections staff!”