Florida Amendment 4 Protects the Right to a Safe and Legal Abortion before viability

LWVNP member Kathleen Beckman recently contributed this post on Facebook:

We MUST pass Amendment 4 on November’s ballot. Here are the facts from Floridians Protecting Freedom:
Does this Amendment allow abortion for any reason until the moment of birth?
No. That’s nothing but a scare tactic. Floridians believe that the government should stay out of
private medical decisions between patients and doctors. They understand that near-total bans
lead to dire consequences and force doctors to risk criminal prosecution just for treating their
patients. This Amendment puts these decisions back in the hands of patients and their doctors by prohibiting the government from banning abortion before viability or blocking needed care when the patient’s health is at risk. Doctors take an oath to act in the best interests of their patients,  and we should trust them to do that and not threaten to throw them in jail for providing care.
What does “healthcare provider” mean – that just anyone could perform an abortion?
Of course not. You don’t go to your dentist for heart surgery. Doctors are all bound by their
scope of practice, standards of care, and ethics. These ridiculous, false claims are only meant to
scare and confuse voters.
Does this Amendment undo parental protections in Florida?
No. We agree strongly that parents should have the right to advocate for their child’s health,
safety, and well-being. And the voters have already spoken on that subject. As it says in the
Amendment itself, it does not change the parental rights that are protected in Florida.
What this Amendment WILL do is end Florida’s abortion ban.
VOTE YES on AMENDMENT 4!  Protect women’s healthcare freedom.

For more information go to floridiansprotectingfreedom.com/read-amendment-4