Pinellas County School Referendum 2024

On May 14, 2024, the Pinellas County School Board unanimously passed a resolution directing the Pinellas County commissioners to place a measure on the ballot for the November 5, 2024, general election ballot to vote on the approval of a one mill ad valorem tax for four years. What does this mean?

Briefly, Pinellas County residents have been voting on and passing school referendums since 2004, which have assessed property owners a .5 mil tax to raise funds to support education in Pinellas. Funds have been used to supplement teacher salaries, bolster reading, music and art programs; and provide up-to-date technology. Half mil tax means that if a homeowner’s property is assessed at $400,000, they will pay $200 yearly in referendum tax. An oversight committee is in place to ensure that funds are used as voters intended.

On May 14, the school board asked for the mil rate to be increased to 1.0 mil, meaning that a resident with a home assessed at  $400,000 will now pay $400 annually. The 1.0 mil rate will not only increase teacher salaries, but for the first time will supplement the salaries of support staff, i.e. bus drivers, cafeteria workers, instructional aides, etc. 15% of funds will continue to be used to support programs in the arts, reading and technology.

School Board members state that the increase in the mil rate is necessary to keep Pinellas competitive with other districts, most of which already have a 1.0 mil rate, and to attract and retain teachers and support staff.

The LWV of North Pinellas fully supports the proposed referendum.
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