What You Can Do to Prepare for Election 2024
  1. Spread the Word about VOTE411.org to your friends and neighbors. It’s as easy as going through your contacts on your phone and sending the link with a personal message.
  2. Educate friends about the Pinellas County School Referendum https://www.pcsb.org/referendum
  3. Download the League in Action app and share actions with your friends https://outreachcircle.comRQF626
  4. Invite your friends to a “Yes on 4” party
  5. Volunteer to staff an LWVNPC event  in the community
  6. Remind your friends that the last date to register to vote is October 7th
  7. If folks say they don’t have time to vote, let them know Early Voting is  October 21 – November 3, Daily, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
  8. Tell friends the last date to request a mail ballot to be mailed is October 24th
  9. Become informed about the issues. Know what races and amendments are on your ballot.  Others often appreciate the information.
  10. Friends say they’re not going to vote? Listen to their concerns. A non-judgmental conversation may be the most effective response.